
Your support, advocacy and vote translated to success. I look forward to serving you as the District 5 City Councilor! Please sign up for my email list to keep in touch.  

City Council Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.  

Check the calendar schedule for exceptions to holidays. All meetings are streamed live on City of Las Cruces Television (CLC-TV) and are archived.

The council also holds work sessions for the purpose of studying problems and having deeper discussions about issues. Instructions may be given to the city manager at work sessions, but no official action by council may be taken.



Becky Corran is an advocate and educator committed to serving Las Cruces with an emphasis on equity, access, and health.

Relationship building and upstream strategies have been the center of Becky’s work as an educator and public health professional. With twenty years of experience in public health and education, Becky has worked with diverse communities. Her service and leadership has included LGBTQ+ advocacy; fostering animals; working with farmworker communities and building bridges in higher education. She has served as a board member for the New Mexico Association of Career and Technical Education, ACTion Programs for Animals (APA) and Emerge New Mexico Boards of Directors.

Becky graduated with a Master’s of Public Health from the University of Arizona, and currently works as a professor at Doña Ana Community College, where she teaches courses focused on community health. She has also worked at the American Red Cross, where she worked to deliver health and safety classes to businesses, while also serving as an Emergency Operations Center liaison to local government.